
Who We Are National Project is committed to using uplifting and soulful images to engage youth in exploring cultural core values and ideas of our times. Our two projects to date, Así Somos and Black Culture in Chicago, carry the simple, yet bold message of what it means to be Puerto Rican and African American. The projects also include a museum exhibition, youth photography workshops and the installation of a life size digital photographic public art exhibit (all pictured below). Your tax-exempt gift will help us reach our goal of $300,000 to fund more community initiatives like these that bolster a belief in ourselves and appreciation for humanity. 

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The Así Somos | Who We Are photography exhibition premiered at the Museo de las Américas, Cuartel Ballajá in Old San Juan, Puerto Rice in December 2014.

Senior students of Roberto Clemente Community Academy in Chicago exhibit their photographs in 2023 after having been immersed in the world of light, perspective, composition, cropping, and the elusive 'definitive moment.'

Black Culture in Chicago strives to inspire people’s embrace of a shared human experience through photography, engaging viewers in a reflection and dialogue about diversity, identity, cultural changes, and diasporic experiences.